Changing Hole Information

Hole types can be changed according to the hole diameter.


Be sure to check the hole type in the 3D Viewer or tree view.
  • Precision holes will not be identified. Make sure you configure the settings appropriately.
  • Hole type identification may vary depending on your CAD package.
  • If a hole could be both a tapped and a straight hole, it will be identified as a tapped hole.


You can increase the accuracy of hole identification by configuring [Tapped Hole Identification Settings] in [User Settings]. → Quotation Procedure

Selecting Holes to Modify

Double-click the hole you want to modify in the 3D Viewer or tree view.

3D Viewer

Tree view

Tree view


Hole type changes are applied to a whole group, so if you would like to specify a different hole type for each hole in the group, you first need to Splitting Group Holes.

Selecting and Updating Hole Types

In the displayed [Hole information indication] dialog box, select the hole type and click [Update].


The precision of straight holes can be modified by changing the hole diameter tolerance type.