Hole Information Notation in 3D Screen

Hole dimension notation follows the guidelines outlined below.

Straight Holes


Through/Blind Blind Through
Precision No Yes No Yes
Image Straight hole: blind/no precision Straight hole: blind/precision Straight hole: through/no precision Straight hole: through/precision
Viewer Notation ø4↧15 Φ4H7(+0.012/0) ↧15/Pilot Hole ↧18 Φ4 THRU Φ4H7(+0.012/0) ↧15 THRU
Tapped Holes


Through/Blind Blind Through
Coarse/Fine Coarse Fine Coarse Fine
Image Tapped hole: blind Tapped hole: through
Viewer Notation M10↧25 M10x1.25 ↧25/Pilot Hole ↧30 M10 THRU M10x1.25 THRU
Insert Holes


Through/Blind Blind Through
Coarse/Fine Coarse Coarse
Image Insert hole: blind Insert hole: through
Viewer Notation M10 INS-2D/Pilot Hole ↧30 M4 INS-2D THRU
1-Step Holes


Through/Blind Blind Through
Precision No No
Image 1-Step hole: blind 1-Step hole: through
Viewer Notation 凵 Φ8 ↧3 凵 Φ8 ↧3
Φ4 ↧15 Φ4 THRU

*If the upper or lower level is a precision/tapped hole, the value after the ↧ symbol indicates the effective depth.

2-Step Holes


Through/Blind Blind
Precision No
Image 2-Step hole: blind
Viewer Notation 凵Φ8↧3
(On the opposite side)凵Φ8↧3
Countersunk Holes


Through/Blind Through
Image Countersunk hole: through
Viewer notation ø8.6, ø4.5