Bending Specifications

Bending Specifications

Normal Bending
No. Standard Part Standard Value Example
1 Bend angle tolerance
  • Standard
  • Sheet Thickness ≤10.0 mm: ±1.0°
  • Sheet Thickness >10.0 mm: ±1.5°
  • International Economy ±3.0°
2 Inner radius (r) Sheet Thickness (reference value)
3 Outer radius (R) R = Sheet Thickness × 2 (reference value)
R-bend shape(FR bending)
No. Standard Part Standard Value Example
1 Bend angle tolerance
  • ±2.0°
2 Inner R Modeling dimension (Reference value)
3 Outer R Inner R+Sheet Thickness (Reference value)

Protrusions from Bending

Standard Value Example
As shown in the right hand example, bulging/protrusions of about 15% of the Sheet Thickness can occur on each side. Example

Defects Caused by Bending

Standard Value Example
As shown in the right hand example, defects have occurred in the bent die. Example
Since it is processed as FR bending (feed bending), die marks will be left on the R bending part.
■Without surface treatment (5052 Aluminum Alloy)
Inner bend Outer bend
Inner bend Outer bend

Cracks caused by bending (5052 Aluminum Alloy)

Standard Value Example
5052 Aluminum Alloy would have a slight crack when bent due to its material properties.
  • ■5052 Aluminum Alloy (Thickness: 6.0 mm)
  • Beispiel